Whether you need criminal defense or representation for a personal injury claim, our team, lead by Chris Crawford, will fight 24/7 to guarantee that your rights are protected. These trial results should inspire confidence.

Pensacola Juvenile Law Attorneys
Is Your Child in Trouble With The Law?
Effective and experienced legal defense is never more important than when it’s the freedom of a juvenile offender at stake. When a young person is facing criminal charges, their entire future could be affected—from their ability to receive an education to their chance of finding a good job.
While the juvenile justice system here in Pensacola, Florida, does differ from the regular criminal justice system for adults, it’s not necessarily more lenient toward offenders. After a minor has committed a misdemeanor or felony offense, they can be arrested and taken into custody. Before their court hearing, they will be detained in a secure detention center if they’re not allowed to return home. Though juvenile cases are typically held in civil courts, the sentencing guidelines, should they be found guilty of their crime, are more like those found in criminal courts.
Don’t let your child’s future be decided by one bad choice.
If your child is convicted by the judge, they could face imprisonment, probation, time in a secure residential commitment facility, community service, and the payment of restitution to any victims of their offense. Certain crimes can even mean the child is charged as an adult and will face adult sanctions. Furthermore, the offense can remain on their record for the rest of their life.
Fortunately, a Juvenile Crimes Attorney can help to mitigate the consequences of allegations against a minor. At Crawford Law, we explore every facet of the case to build the best, most comprehensive legal defense for juveniles. We emphasize clear and transparent communication with both the juvenile offender and their parents or legal guardians, to ensure everyone is up-to-date on the case and capable of making informed decisions. If we can’t get the case dismissed, we work to minimize the consequences and immediately take steps to seal their record or have the offense expunged so that your child doesn’t carry the stigma of a criminal conviction with them.
We Prioritize Your Child’s Future
At Crawford Law, our attorneys Chris Crawford and Geoff Joseph and our expert legal team believe that your child deserves the chance to learn from their mistakes and move forward. We strive to give them that opportunity by working around the clock to build their best defense strategy and present their case in the best possible light to the judge. Our experienced legal counsel has already helped to spare many young offenders from the worst of the potential repercussions.
When it comes to your child’s very future, we’re more dedicated than ever to providing effective, consistent, and aggressive representation. We truly care about the outcome of your child’s case and the impact that a conviction at such a young age could have on their future mental, financial, and physical well-being. Whether your child has committed a minor misdemeanor offense or gotten caught up in a felony, we would be proud to protect their rights and their freedom.
If you need a Lawyer for Juvenile Offenses in Pensacola, Florida, look no further than Crawford Law. We offer you and your child the best opportunity at minimizing the damage from Juvenile Crime charges and allowing young people a fresh start with a clean record.
Contact us for your free consultation with our experienced Pensacola juvenile crimes attorneys today.
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